


因为正规网赌软件推荐是一个国家支持的机构,它必须遵循加州 关于居民分类的法律,以及许多其他法规, for all students at California 社区学院s. 所有学生必须分类 as either "resident" or "nonresident" for tuition purposes. 申请学生 对于入学申请,或当前在校生申请住院医师重新分类, 是否需要提供补充信息和支持性文件或证据 to determine his or her residence classification.


  • 19岁以上的学生:居住是基于与以下Factors有关的 学生.

  • Students who are under 19 years of age: Students must complete an 19岁以下补充信息


    form. 对于未婚学生,居住是基于与父母有关的Factors 和学生一起生活. If 学生 is not living with either parent, 居住是基于学生最后一起生活的父母的Factors. 已婚学生可凭本人(结婚证复印件)办理居留手续 必须提交). There are some exceptions for students under 19 years of age, 哪些列在 正规网赌软件推荐目录.

When Additional Documentation is Needed

很多时候,入学申请没有提供足够的信息 在申请之前,需要提供居住决定和其他信息和/或文件 可以做出决定. 在这种情况下,a Supplemental Residence Questionnaire


必须完成. If additional documents are needed, 学生 will be notified. 所有要求的文件应提交给住院医师专家在招生 及纪录处.







when determining residency classification. To obtain "resident" status for a term, 学生必须具备:


1. Lived 在加州 for at least one year




2. 采取行动使加州成为他们至少一年前的合法居住地 到学期开始




In other words, 学生 needs to provide proof of BOTH




居住意愿, to be considered a resident for tuition purposes. 身体上的存在肯定是 在期限和意向开始前至少连续维持一年 居住必须在学期开始前至少一年建立 term for which 学生 is planning to enroll.


Providing Documentation

居住权的确定是一个复杂的过程,受许多规则和政策的约束. 在做出决定之前,通常需要几种类型的文件.




The following are examples of documents that may demonstrate a student's




在加州. At least one of the documents must be dated more than one year prior 到学期开始时:


  • Filing California State income taxes as a resident

  • California voter registration card

  • 加州驾驶执照或加州身份证 机动车辆

  • Resident California vehicle registration

  • Petitioning for divorce as a resident of California

  • Employment or carrying on of a business 在加州

  • 军人休假和收入报表以及显示加州的W-2表格 合法居留

  • California fishing or hunting license

  • California license for professional practice

以下是一些可以证明学生身份的文件示例 维护




在加州 for at least one year prior 到学期开始时:

  • Employment or carrying on of a business 在加州

  • Bank statements or bills showing a California address

  • Apartment/house rental contract/lease 在加州

  • Active membership 在加州 service or social organizations

  • Verification of California public assistance

  • Transcripts showing California school attendance

The following are examples of actions that are




申请加州居留权,特别是在……期间采取的行动 the year of establishing residency:


  • 以非居民身份申报加州所得税或以非居民身份申报所得税 另一个州的居民

  • Maintaining out-of-state driver's license 和/or vehicle registration

  • Maintaining voter registration in another state

  • Attending an out-of-state institution as a resident of that state

  • Petitioning for divorce in another state

Citizenship Status

Students who are eligible 建立居住权 include U.S. 公民,永久 居民、合法临时居民、特赦居民、难民和庇护居民. 此外,以下非移民签证类型:A, E, G, H-1, H-4, I, K, L, O-1, O-3 R和V. 对于美国以外的任何人来说.S. Citizen, the one-year duration period begins 经申请调整身份到这些分类之一已 已提交给美国司法部.S. Citizenship 和 Immigration Services. 这个要求是 in addition 到 California residency requirements of







教育法典第68075条.6 grants an immediate 暂住的学费 fee 豁免 特别移民签证(SIV)持有人和定居的难民学生 在加州 upon entering the United States. This 豁免 is granted for one year 从该学生进入美国加州定居之日起算.


 This 豁免 applies 到 following:

  • 雇用的伊拉克公民或国民(及其配偶和子女) or on behalf of the United States Government in Iraq (Pub.L.No.110-181, 1244)
  • 直接工作的阿富汗和伊拉克翻译(及其配偶和子女) with the United States Armed Forces (Pub.L.No.109-163, 1059)
  • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. 政府或 in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L.No.111-8, 602)
  • 难民学生根据美国宪法第8条第1157条被准许进入美国 美国法典

无证移民*,无身份非移民和B级非移民, C, D, F, H-2, H-3, J, M, O-2, P, Q, (NAFTA) TN 和 TD visas are






立法(AB540)于2002年1月1日生效,允许非法移民 以及任何学生,非移民(持有B签证、F签证等)除外.), to 符合以下条件的,免交非居民学费:


  • Attendance at a California high school for three or more years.

  • Graduation from a California high school or the equivalent (e.g.GED或高中 学校能力考试).

  • A California 暂住的学费 Exemption Request


    必须向学院提交表格,说明学生符合这些要求. 无证移民必须提交这份宣誓书,说明学生已经申请 for legalization or will do so as soon as 学生 is eligible to do so.

AB540学生可以通过我们的无边界空间计划获得校园服务. 请访问 无边界空间




Students must be physically attending classes they are enrolled in. 学生生活 加州以外的地区和通过远程教育注册的学生不符合此条件 豁免.


在这项豁免下.S. Citizens or permanent residents are 不合格的 to apply 申请州财政援助,但有资格申请联邦财政援助. 无证 immigrants are NOT eligible to apply for state 和 federal financial aid.


Military Personnel AND Military Dependents

驻扎在加利福尼亚的现役军人及其家属 “本科生”是否免交非居民学费并被分类 作为“居民”在加州注册期间的费用目的 社区学院. Active military personnel 和 their dependents who have received 学士学位或更高学历的学生在一年内免交非居民学费 from the date of their arrival 在加州. NOTE: Military personnel (和 the dependents 为教育目的而被派往加州的人有资格获得这项豁免.


非居民: 免除军事学费


form 必须完成 和 students must submit a copy of their


现役或家属身份证. Note: Residents 是一个lso eligible for this 豁免.


Residents who have been stationed 在加州 for more than one year:


军事W-2表格或休假和收入报表必须提交显示加州 as the state 合法居留 (one dated more than one


year prior 到 semester 和一个 current one). A copy of the DD214 is additionally needed, if the military person has been discharged.


非常驻军事人员,在加州服役时间超过 出院前一年,以及他们的“本科生”家属 他或她在加州居住的一年内可以免交非居民学费吗 after the military person has been discharged. Military orders, or official military 文件显示,这名军人曾活跃在加州 在离任前担任超过一年的职务,以及DD214的副本 showing discharge for less than one year must be submitted.


Requesting Reclassification

在注册之前,认为自己符合资格的非居民学生 California resident status may apply for reclassification. 重新分类表格 是一个 Financial Independence Information form


和一个 Supplemental Residence Questionnaire. Documents will be required to demonstrate residence as outlined in this text. 大学 重新分类时是否还需要考虑财务独立性 student, who was a nonresident in a previous term, to resident status. 经济独立 during the current year 和 preceding two years will be considered.


Additional Information

This text is a summary of residency information 和 is by no means complete. 同时, 变化可能已经在法规和规章之间的时间这篇文章 was published 和 the beginning of the term of attendance. 还有一些其他的 exceptions, not mentioned, that exist which apply to specific circumstances. 形式 都可以在 形式


和 in the 招生及记录 办公室. For more residency information, please refer 到 正规网赌软件推荐目录


或联系招生和记录办公室的住院医师专家,电话:(619) 660-4725.



A person classified as a nonresident will be required to pay 暂住的学费, in addition to other fees required by the college. 非居民学费必须支付 在注册时.



See the policies 和 procedures for the evaluation of 外国成绩单


or those in languages other than English.